There are actually two paths you can take to earn your CPCU® designation: the traditional path and the ARM to CPCU path. The latter option allows you to take fewer CPCU classes if you already have or are pursuing your Associate in Risk Management (ARM®) designation. In this post, we’ll share more about this program and give you the details you need to decide which path is right for you.
What is the ARM designation?
Besides the CPCU designation, The Institutes offers a wide variety of other designations too, including the Associate in Risk Management (ARM®) designation.
The ARM designation is focused on all aspects of risk management:
- What are the different types of risks
- How to assess and identify risks
- How to develop risk control programs, to reduce their severity and frequency
- How to finance risks, and find the means to pay for losses or damages when the risk is unavoidable
The ARM program is useful for anyone who evaluates risks or gives advice on how to manage risks. This can be nearly anyone in the insurance industry, but the designation is especially relevant for these professionals:
- Risk managers
- Risk analysts
- Risk consultants
- Safety and loss control professionals
- Chief financial officers
- Business continuity and supply chain experts
- Agents and brokers
- Underwriters
How does the ARM to CPCU program work?
The standard CPCU program requires students to take a total of eight (8) courses plus a mini-course on ethical guidelines:
- 5 core classes:
- CPCU 500 (overview of insurance & risk)
- CPCU 520 (how insurance companies operate)
- CPCU 530 (business/insurance law)
- CPCU 540 (finance & accounting)
- CPCU 550 (data analytics & data management)
- 2 concentration courses:
- Commercial lines (CPCU 551, 552) OR
- Personal lines (CPCU 555, 556)
- 1 elective course
- Ethics training
The ARM to CPCU path allows students to earn two designations by taking the same number of classes:
- 3 ARM courses:
- ARM 400: Risk in an Evolving World
- ARM 401: Holistically Assessing Risk
- ARM 402: Successfully Treating Risk
- 2 core CPCU course:
- CPCU 530 (business/insurance law)
- CPCU 540 (finance & accounting)
- 2 concentration courses:
- Commercial lines (CPCU 551, 552) OR
- Personal lines (CPCU 555, 556)
- 1 elective course
- Ethics training
In other words, you are replacing three (3) of the core CPCU classes with the three (3) ARM classes.
Is the ARM to CPCU path easier?
As for the ARM courses, overall, most students have reported that the ARM courses are just as difficult as CPCU courses, and some even find the ARM courses to be more challenging. Students should not assume that the ARM to CPCU path will be easier.
Of course, every student is different, so some may indeed find that the ARM classes are less difficult to them, especially if they have relevant work experience. The main thing we want to emphasize is that students can’t make the assumption that this new path will definitely be easier.
Should I do the ARM to CPCU program?
At first glance, the ARM to CPCU path may seem better because you get two designations rather than one, for doing the same amount of courses. However, you should at least pause to consider the difference in content covered.
The ARM to CPCU path essentially replaces CPCU 520 and CPCU 550 with three ARM courses. Those two CPCU courses have more to do with how insurance companies operate and try to improve their profitability and financial security, so they could be quite appropriate for someone looking to get into management. In contrast, the ARM designation courses are focused on risk management & risk assessment skills.
It is important to consider what your end goal is and what kind of knowledge would be most beneficial for whatever goal you are trying to pursue.

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About your instructor
Insurance Exam Guides (IEG) was founded by Stacy Trinh, CPCU®, who first started her teaching journey at the request of her co-workers who were preparing for their CPCU exams. Because of her reputation as an adept trainer and motivator, Stacy's co-workers had asked her to lead a class. The feedback on her sessions and study materials was overwhelming positive, and her students encouraged her to share what she had to offer with the rest of the CPCU community.
Since then, Stacy created a library of study materials for both CPCU® and AINS® that have helped thousands of students pass their exams. As an accounting major and former claims adjuster, her style of instruction incorporates both a financial and operational perspective that makes her study materials well-rounded. She looks forward to helping many more students continue to succeed, including you!
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