by Stacy T. | Jan 7, 2018 | CPCU 500, CPCU 520, CPCU 530
Several of the CPCU® textbooks make reference to reinsurance without clearly explaining what that is. The only course that gives a detailed explanation is CPCU 520, but even then, they make references to reinsurance before the reinsurance chapter. If you don’t work for a reinsurance company or deal with them as part of your job, you may be at a disadvantage as you won’t fully understand what the textbook is discussing. As such, this tip is designed to give you a basic but sufficient explanation.
by Stacy T. | Jan 7, 2018 | Test Strategies
On your CPCU® tests, it is common to encounter very lengthy test questions. Usually you are given a scenario with a lot more information than you need, and the question is trying to test if you know which details are relevant to the concept at hand. That level of detail provided can be overwhelming, so here is how you can keep from losing focus:
If you find your mind wandering away or you have to keep re-reading because you simply aren’t retaining the details, try this strategy: start by reading the question first. When you know what you are trying to determine, it gives your brain a context for processing all those details you are reading. It also allows you to immediately eliminate unnecessary information if you know it is not pertinent to the question asked.
by Stacy T. | Dec 25, 2017 | Study Tips
When it comes to learning anything new, knowing the difference between passive learning and active learning will help you choose the study techniques that maximize your chances of retaining the information that you are studying.