cpcu 552

CPCU 552

Managing Commercial Liability Risk

cpcu 552

CPCU 552 Study Guide e-Bundle – $49.99

Topics covered:

Learn about how various types of policies and coverages available for addressing commercial liability exposures.

  • Commercial general liability (CGL)
  • Commercial auto policies
  • Cyber exposures
  • Workers compensation coverage
  • Employers liability coverage
  • Directors and officers liability
  • Employment practices liability
  • Excess liability coverage
  • Umbrella policies

CPCU 552 Study Guide e-Bundle – $49.99

  • Based on CPCU 552: Managing Commercial Liability Risk [1st edition]
  • For buyer's personal use only (non-transferrable and not for resale)
  • (NOTE: this will be the only IEG product available for CPCU 552 as we will not be developing a full study program for CPCU 552)

What you will get:

The study guide condenses each chapter down to several pages, listing out all the key terms, major concepts, and other important lists. The outlines provide the technical explanation for each concept, a simpler version in plain English, and plenty of examples to illustrate the trickier concepts. Also includes the bonus materials listed below: 


  • Elements of an Insurance Policy Contract – (extra lesson)
  • Chapter 1: Summary of Commercial General Liability (CGL) Policies
  • Chapter 2: Summary of Business Auto Coverage Form (BACF)
  • Chapter 2: BACF Covered Auto Symbols
  • Chapter 2: BACF Endorsements for Certain Drivers
  • Chapter 5: How Excess/Umbrella Liability Insurance Works


Why Our Study Guides Work

Learning the material is just the first step. You need a way to refresh yourself on the content because there is so much to remember.

We created our signature study guides to help you quickly and easily review everything you've learned:


Focus on the right things

We condense every chapter to a few pages each, so you can focus on what you need to know.

Understand the key concepts

We provide extra examples & bonus materials to help you understand the trickier concepts.

See how it all relates

Our outlines are super organized and make it easy to see how the concepts relate to each other.

cpcu 552

CPCU 552 Study Guide e-Bundle – $49.99

About your instructor

Insurance Exam Guides (IEG) was founded by Stacy Trinh, CPCU®, who first started her teaching journey at the request of her co-workers who were preparing for their CPCU exams. Because of her reputation as an adept trainer and motivator, Stacy's co-workers had asked her to lead a class. The feedback on her sessions and study materials was overwhelming positive, and her students encouraged her to share what she had to offer with the rest of the CPCU community.

Since then, Stacy created a library of study materials for both CPCU® and AINS® that have helped thousands of students pass their exams. As an accounting major and former claims adjuster, her style of instruction incorporates both a financial and operational perspective that makes her study materials well-rounded. She looks forward to helping many more students continue to succeed, including you!

Disclaimers: The Institutes, CPCU®, and AINS® are trademarks of the American Institute For Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, d/b/a The Institutes. InsuranceExamGuides.com is not affiliated or associated with The Institutes in any way, and The Institutes do not endorse, approve, support, or otherwise recognize InsuranceExamGuides.com or its products or services. CPCU® and AINS® are registered trademarks of The Institutes. All rights reserved.